Construction industry
Architecture of a group-wide DWH and project coaching
Starting point
- There is a need for a group-wide DWH as the foundation for further BI applications.
- The operational systems should be gradually connected to the DWH as data sources.
- The new DWH architecture requires maximum flexibility due to constant changes, including company acquisitions and the replacement of operational systems.
- Relevant technologies for the solution include Microsoft SQL Server, SSIS, and Power BI.
- Integration of the group data warehouse project into the data strategy we had previously developed.
- Iterative project approach with 2-week sprints.
- Gradual development and expansion of the DWH based on Data Vault 2.0 and information marts.
- Prototyping of reports for internal alignment.
Features/Project outcome
- Architecture of the DWH based on Data Vault 2.0
- Definition of best practices:
- Project organisation and project processes
- Operations manual
- Implementation
- Creation and establishment of the security & access concept
- Maintenance and prioritization of the decision list
- Review of the project regarding organization, approach, and results
Customer benefits
- Establishing best practices creates security in the DWH and BI project environment.
- Iterative project reviews allow for timely improvements.
- The project evaluation matrix provides transparency for management.
- An open solution architecture enables cost-effective integration of new requirements.

Dr. Matthias Gimbel | Manager