IT Architecture Support for the 'New Car Architecture 2025'
Starting point
- The demand for a data-driven automotive industry requires new data architectures both in the vehicle and in the backend.
- The new architecture for sensor data in and from the vehicle must focus on collection and utilization.
- Access to the data is currently only available to experts or after a time-consuming implementation.
- End customers have little insight into the data variety from the vehicle.
- Requirements management
- Requirement consolidation
- Concept creation
- Agile project management
Features/Project outcome
- Requirements from various stakeholders, such as Data Privacy and End-to-End architectures, have been consolidated.
- Concept documentation with views for the project stakeholders has been created.
- The maturity level of the concept for the customer has been validated for the different views.
- Agile management of the architecture team leads to the optimal maturity level of the concept in a short period of time.
Customer benefits
- Future-proof architecture for data-driven services and business models.
- Validated 'New Car Architecture' for a self-service driven approach to analysing sensor data from vehicles.
- Customers can independently analyse data from the vehicle.
- Coordinated work with all stakeholders during the concept phase.
- Development of an architectural concept with a high maturity level in a short period of time.

Erich Holzinger | Senior Manager / Authorised Officer