SV Darmstadt 98 - Bundesliga club

Visualisation with Amazon QuickSight

Starting point

  • Established Bundesliga club with a desire for centralized data visualization in the areas of athletics and scouting
  • Ad-hoc data visualization and distributed across systems & users
  • High effort in reporting, as the players' load levels can only be captured through manual data integration
  • No central and reliable data platform serving as a 'Single Point of Truth'

Role in the project

  • Data Architect
  • Data Artist

Features/Project outcome

  • Connection and integration of multiple data sources
  • Introduction of a dashboard for visualising key performance KPIs
  • Development of an athletic dashboard to promote injury prevention
  • Creating objective, data-driven comparability between players
  • Introduction of best practices for visualisation

Customer benefits

  • Clear visualization enables intuitive understanding of key performance KPIs
  • Significant reduction in weekly performance fluctuations and creation of a stable, sustainable performance level
  • Focused and detailed reporting for internal alignment
  • Strengthening in-house analysts and improving the quality of their reporting
Lars Ritter | Senior Manager