Optical lens manufacturer

Sales planning and production planning

Starting point

  • Sales planning is currently done via Excel (across over 20 workbooks)
  • Extensive adjustments due to recurring changes in planning assumptions require high effort, such as during the monthly initialization of planning


  • Creation of the "Big Picture" based on a rough requirements analysis and a high-level concept
  • Gradual gathering of detailed requirements in workshops with business departments and creation of the design for the business data model
  • Workshop with Lessons Learned and definition of necessary adjustments
  • Employee training
  • Test development and execution by the customer

Features/Project outcome

  • Workflow-driven planning system with integration into operational systems
  • Planning of scenarios and versions to simulate business changes
  • Product "break-down" into manufacturing items based on production bills of materials
  • Automatic distribution of production quantities across production machines with varying capabilities based on a defined optimization procedure
  • Role-based management of access rights

Customer benefits

  • Acceleration of the planning cycle through a parallelizable workflow
  • Effort reduction through a central planning system
  • Error reduction through integration with operational systems and elimination of manual steps
  • Determination of production quantities per machine at different locations
Sascha Mertens | Senior Manager / Prokurist