Implementation of Planning Analytics and Tableau Self-Service
Starting point
- Manual planning in Excel using various data entry forms
- Time-consuming plan consolidation
- Manual delivery of planning data to the group
- No cross-cutting plan vs. actual reporting
- No overview of the subscription-based business model
- Iterative project approach
- Workshops on business requirements with central controlling, finance, and business departments
- Stakeholder management to establish consensus on the planning process
- Definition of requirements for the target reporting, including self-service options
Features/Project outcome
- Uniform data preparation and data processing processes via ETL
- Integrated and web-based planning system based on Planning Analytics
- Automated interface for data delivery to the group
- Automated interface for planning data in the reporting system
- Uniform subscription analyses and reports in Tableau
- Flexible handling in self-service for stock and flow metrics
Customer benefits
- Solid planning thanks to the integration of sub-plans
- High participation rate and commitment of all stakeholders to the planning results
- Independent creation of analyses on the business plan and business performance, both by central departments and business units
- Confidence in handling data for the business departments
- Extensive analysis capabilities for new business models through a unified data view

Sascha Mertens | Senior Manager / Authorised Officer