Automobile manufacturer

Development of sensor effect chains on the HERE-OLP

Starting point

  • The HERE-OLP platform enables the storage, processing, and visualisation of data with geographic context
  • Driven trajectories are stored in the OLP along with various environmental and vehicle data (SDII format)
  • The goal is to enrich and improve driver assistance systems with insights derived from sensor data


    • Developing rough and detailed concepts for implementing various user stories on the OLP
    • Implementing and executing user stories as Flink streaming or Spark batch pipelines within the HERE-OLP
    • Developing unit and integration tests
    • Visualising on the OLP using GeoJSON
    • Visualising data in Zeppelin
    • Setting up a deployment pipeline

Features/Project outcome

  • Comparing vehicle sensor data with weather data in terms of accuracy and timeliness
  • Calculating traffic flow for each road segment in weekly time intervals
  • Importing traffic messages into the OLP as a streaming service
  • Validating traffic disruptions against the expected traffic flow

Customer benefits

  • New insights into the approach for implementing applications in the HERE-OLP
  • New insights into the usability and coverage of the vehicle fleet’s sensor data
  • Traffic messages available as a new streaming channel in the HERE-OLP
Erich Holzinger | Senior Manager / Authorised Officer