Large airport
Strategic mid- and long-term planning
Starting point
- Strategic planning requires granularity and management-friendly complexity reduction, including visualisation
- Building and comparing future scenarios is necessary
- Various data sources should be condensed into a strategic overall picture and allow for detailed analysis
- Intuitive self-service functions ensure high expertise and relieve the specialist department
- Agile gathering of requirements, concept of the planning organization, as well as target architecture and structure
- Implementation of Alteryx as a "data pump" and analytics turbo with Tableau as the visualization layer
- Development of planning models for strategic planning and scenario modeling
- Best practice coaching ensures the expertise of specialists
Features/Project outcome
- The planning architecture processes very large data volumes fifty times faster than the previous Excel-based solution
- Scenario building and comparison can be reliably done within minutes
- New planning functions ensure a detailed view of performance, risks, and action options
- Specialist departments can independently plan and simulate up to 40 years into the future
Customer benefits
- Strategic planning makes a qualitative leap
- Managers plan business perspectives with internal and external data and facts at the push of a button
- This enables the company to plan precisely up to 40 years ahead, test scenarios, and simulate alternatives
- The solution ensures the profitability and future viability of the company based on data and facts

Sascha Mertens | Senior Manager / Authorised Officer