Trade fair organiser
Building a hybrid architecture for comprehensive data analysis
Starting point
- The system landscape for data analysis is outdated and consists of isolated solutions
- The reporting is based on Cognos 10 reports and an Oracle database. There is no DWH-layer architecture, only complex SQL scripts for data management
- Separate CRM data processing in Talend ETL with storage in Excel and PostgreSQL
- Cross-sectional analyses or the application of AI algorithms are impossible; standard reports are cumbersome to implement
- Creation of a Big Picture architecture and a business object overview
- Detailed modeling of the data model in Data Vault
- 2-week sprints
- Takeover of project operations
Features/Project outcome
- Comprehensive platform with multiple layers made usable
- Consistent setup of the three environments: DEV, TEST, PROD
- Migration of many existing Cognos reports
- Tableau workshops for self-service analytics
Customer benefits
- Connecting any data sources to the central data lake platform
- Cross-business data model based on Data Vault for new cross-linkages
- Foundation created for the use of AI algorithms and real-time data supply
- Data lab environment for data experiments outside of the production loading paths
- Scalable data archive for long-term storage
- Independent analysis by specialist departments in Tableau, relieving the IT department

Johannes Heinen | Senior Manager / Authorised Officer