Industrial company
Smart data platform as a data and data value broker
Starting point
- Search: Data hub enabling data-driven business models
- The economic value of data from digital products should become transparent
- Data processing must be automated to ensure transparency and reliability
- Applying the guide to determine the current status and maturity level
- Classification of the need for action
- Data flows in relation to stakeholders highlight information and value flows
- Definition of the target architecture 'Smart Data Platform' as a data broker
- Definition of implementation pathways
Features/Project outcome
- Metadata document the responsibilities and usage of data flows
- Full automation of data processing reduces complexity
- Decoupling of data through the data broker
- Creation, flow, and usage of data become transparent through metadata
- The value of data is measurable and monetizable
Customer benefits
- The Smart Data Platform creates the technological foundation for new data-driven business models
- With the Data-as-a-Value approach, the company determines the economic value of its data
- Data can be monetized, as its contribution to value creation is measurable
- More efficient data management within the company

Marco Bruno | Senior Manager / Authorised Officer