Transportation company
KPIs and visual analytics for quantifying delays and optimising planning
Starting point
Train delays (Lost Units) are recorded
- An automated process is sought to assess the impact of individual construction measures on delays
- Existing insights should be data-driven validated, and future planning optimised
- Assignment of occurred Lost Units to construction measures using statistical and mathematical methods, including time series modeling and geometric analysis
- Bottom-up approach, starting with the examination of operational sites in the vicinity of a construction measure, filtering potential diversion routes, and developing data-driven KPIs to quantify the Lost Units
Features/Project outcome
- Geovisualizations using Leaflet (JavaScript) provide a quick and interactive overview of KPIs at stations near construction measures
- The type and extent of delays caused by construction activities at individual stations are made visible and measurable
- The data-driven approach reliably highlights correlations between construction activities and operational processes and is transferable to future planning
Customer benefits
- Delays are minimized through data-driven planning, improving overall punctuality even during intensive construction activities in rail traffic
- Measures are taken based on the analysis, and thanks to fast and automated visualization, there is transparency about the relationships between construction sites and resulting delays
- Future construction planning is shaped by these insights, ensuring minimal operational impact

Erich Holzinger | Senior Manager / Authorised Officer