Quantum Computing as AI Booster
Achieve an enormous speed advantage
Quantum computers can solve so-called BQP problems (bounded-error, quantum, polynomial time) in polynomial time. This includes many problems for which verification by a classical computer would be slower than solving with a quantum computer. Pharmaceuticals, chemistry, medicine would all benefit from molecular simulations at the quantum mechanics level (high impact).
Four main capabilities of quantum computing (QC):
- Prediction of dynamic systems
- Finding solutions for optimisation problems
- Simulation
- Encryption
Essential quantum algorithms
- Quick search of large databases
- Search for target objects with specific properties
- Simultaneous evaluation of all objects by superposition
Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL)
- Fast solving of large systems of equations
- Solving optimisation problems
- Computing time logarithmic (exponential advantage)
Adiabatischer QC (AQC)
- Fast solving of complex optimisation problems
- Discrete optimisation problems
- Goal: energetically favourable state
Possible areas of application
Sector |
Application |
Logistics and mobility |
Pharma and industry |
Finance |
Engineering |
IT security |
What are Quantum projects like?
- Identification of a (mathematical) problem and associated use cases in a workshop.
- Conversion of the problem into algorithms / parameter sets that can be simulated or calculated on a quantum computer.
- Solution optimisation with the help of the quantum computer and, if necessary, manual adjustment of the parameters
- Productive deployment of the solution
- Documentation and ensuring the transfer of knowledge
Status quo & outlook
The goal is to exploit the Quantum Advantage, i.e. the ability to use quantum computing to solve tasks faster and more accurately than the best classical algorithm on the fastest classical supercomputers.
- We are currently still in an early phase
- Very large and complex data volumes can already be processed with QC
- Algorithms should be chosen carefully
- Developer frameworks, such as Amazon Braket Python SDK or Qiskit open-source SDKs
- Integration of these frameworks in cloud architectures