
Dashboard requirements
Dashboards visualize important and meaningful business information, at best clearly and quickly understandable. The challenge is not to overload a dashboard, but still to show all important information in it. Modern dashboards offer interaction possibilities with the data, e.g. by means of drill downs, and can be enriched with further components. Components of a dashboard are e.g. charts and graphs, key figures or KPIs, maps, websites, news, RSS feeds, real-time stock or foreign exchange rates and many more data points.
Insights into critical business data
Dashboards are valuable because they transform business data into critical information. They draw management's attention to relevant areas and processes for timely responses. A good dashboard helps with quick and effective decision making and lets managers easily monitor performance and processes. Employees can be given customized and on-demand dashboards that visualize business goals. This keeps everyone in the company focused and informed.
Visual Data Analytics and Dashboarding with Tableau
The self-service BI tool Tableau offers visual data analytics and user-friendly dashboards at the push of a button. We have compiled all the important information about Tableau Software's product portfolio and range of functions for you.
In our video library and blog, you will find the “5 tips to get the optimal dashboard design”. We are Tableau Gold Partner and license distributor, so our experts offer profound guidance in your data analytics journey with Tableau.

Dashboarding Best Practices
Woodmark consultants are proven dashboarding professionals and can help you design and optimize dashboards building on best practices and experience from many customer projects. Contact us and together we will optimize your dashboards!

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