Amazon QuickSight

Simple data analysis with Amazon QuickSight
QuickSight is a business intelligence service from AWS that enables companies to make data-driven decisions quickly. The service enables you to easily create analysis environments for the specialist departments. Amazon QuickSight provides a wide range of visualisation and analysis functions. These include interactive dashboards, charts, tables and pivot tables, which help companies to explore data efficiently and gain valuable insights. Data from various sources, such as AWS databases, files, Redshift, RDS, Amazon S3, can be visualised, analysed and processed in real time. Embed dashboards in other systems and create structured reports with automated dispatch.
Right: IBCS standard dashboard
Football analysis with Amazon QuickSight
The dashboard offers flexibility, scalability and interactivity for comprehensive analysis and efficient visualisation of football statistics. This allows various aspects of football events to be visualised and analysed.
Woodmark is an "Amazon QuickSight Delivery Partner"
With our "Amazon QuickSight Delivery Partner" status, we have undergone a strict standardisation process that ensures we have extensive experience in securely building backend data solutions. With Woodmark, you gain experts who are able to help you transform your data.
QuickSight offers you many advantages
- Make targeted decisions. The numerous dashboard views help you to do this.
- Create ad-hoc exploration and analyses with just a few clicks.
- Save time and resources: ASW QuickSight is easy to use and requires no complex set-up or maintenance.
If you would like to get to know Quicksight better and use it for your company, we will show you how easy it is to get started with cloud-based data analysis with Amazon QuickSight in one of our workshops.
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