International Business Communication Standards
The International Business Communication Standards (IBCS®) are practical proposals for the design of reports, presentations, dashboards and the diagrams and tables contained therein. This involves the conception of the content, the visual perception and the application of a semantic notation. The further development of the IBCS® Standards is an ongoing process, which is managed by the not-for-profit IBCS Association. The SUCCESS formula of the IBCS® standards.
The SUCCESS formula of the IBCS® Standards
Business communication meets the IBCS® Standards when it complies with the rules of the seven areas that form the acronym “SUCCESS”:
- S AY - Convey a message
- U NIFY - Apply semantic notation
- C ONDENSE - Increase information density
- C HECK - Visuelle Integrität sicherstellen
- E XPRESS - Choose proper visualization
- S IMPLIFY - Avoid clutter
- S TRUCTURE - Organize content
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Free adviceGunnar Knoch Senior Solution Expert / IBCS® Certified Consultant
Three chapters of the IBCS® standards
The seven rule areas of the SUCCESS formula can be assigned to three categories, which form the following three chapters of the IBCS® standards:
CONCEPTUAL RULES - Conceptual rules help to clearly relay content by using an appropriate storyline. They comprise the first part of the IBCS Standards with the SUCCESS rule sets SAY and STRUCTURE.
PERCEPTUAL RULES - Perceptual rules help to clearly relay content by using an appropriate visual design. They comprise the second part of the IBCS Standards with the SUCCESS rule sets EXPRESS, CHECK, CONDENSE, and SIMPLIFY.
SEMANTIC RULES - Semantic rules help to clearly relay content by using a uniform notation (IBCS Notation). They comprise the third part of the IBCS Standards with the SUCCESS rule set UNIFY.
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